إدارة الوقت
"كن بطلا عندما يلقي بظلاله مشكلة المملكة".
الأميرة هيلين ديارهم وإعادة بناء القرى المدمرة! وقد يلقي الأرض
إلى فوضى عارمة بعد دمر اعصار معظم القرى والطرق. كما لو أن ليس
من المتاعب بما فيه الكفاية، كما استيقظ العاصفة الرهيبة
التنين جائع! الحيوانات والمنازل، والناس يقعون ضحية لFiremouth،
التنين. وفقا لأسطورة عالم، سوف Firemouth لا أعود
إلى النوم حتى انه قد أكل 37 البشر! وفي الوقت نفسه، الملك Olgert،
والد هيلين، يقاتل من اجل حياته بعد أن ضربت صاعقة.
هيلين يجب أن السفر إلى الوراء عبر القرى كسر بسرعة للعودة إليه.
دون ابنته، الملك Olgert قد لا البقاء على قيد الحياة! كما
فارس الشهير، عملك هو ليس فقط لمرافقة الأميرة الوطن، ولكن
أيضا لاستعادة الأراضي المدمرة على طول الطريق. يمكنك مسح
مسار للنقل هيلين، ومساعدة القرويين استعادة الطرق والمباني الخاصة بهم؟
Be the hero when trouble overshadows the kingdom." Bring Princess Helen home and rebuild
the destroyed villages! The land has been cast into complete chaos after a tornado wrecked
most of the hamlets and roads. As if that isn't trouble enough, the terrible storm also awoke a
hungry dragon! Animals, houses, and people are falling victim to Firemouth, the dragon.
According to the legend of the realm, Firemouth will not go back to sleep until he has eaten 37
humans! At the same time, King Olgert, Helen’s father, is fighting for his life after being struck
by lightning. Helen must travel back through the broken villages quickly to return to him.
Without his daughter, King Olgert may not survive! As a famous knight, your job is not only to
escort the princess back home, but also to restore the ruined lands along the way. Can you clear
the path for Helen's carriage, and help the villagers restore their roads and buildings?
Be the hero when trouble overshadows the kingdom." Bring Princess Helen home and rebuild
the destroyed villages! The land has been cast into complete chaos after a tornado wrecked
most of the hamlets and roads. As if that isn't trouble enough, the terrible storm also awoke a
hungry dragon! Animals, houses, and people are falling victim to Firemouth, the dragon.
According to the legend of the realm, Firemouth will not go back to sleep until he has eaten 37
humans! At the same time, King Olgert, Helen’s father, is fighting for his life after being struck
by lightning. Helen must travel back through the broken villages quickly to return to him.
Without his daughter, King Olgert may not survive! As a famous knight, your job is not only to
escort the princess back home, but also to restore the ruined lands along the way. Can you clear
the path for Helen's carriage, and help the villagers restore their roads and buildings?
شاهد ايضا
محول الأكوادإخفاء محول الأكواد الإبتساماتإخفاء الإبتسامات